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Stop Smoking for Excellent Health

Sunday, March 21, 2010

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Let's stop smoking for our excellent health. I'm sure that everyone of us know that smoking is bad for our health but it's hard to quit smoking. I'm also a smoker long time ago, I started and learned smoking since I was 10 years old and and now I was 23 and totally quit from smoking. Smoking is bad for our health. It can cause lots of diseases like heart disease, cancer, emphysema and many more that I think you all know about that more than me. Smoking also can shorten our life by ten years or more. It also can also ruin your sex life and damages your sperms. I want to share to all of you my experience when I was smoking, and for me, when I smoke, my health condition was so bad. I can feel my body was weak.

I was an athlete for my school since I was 12-17 years old. I smoke about 1-2 packets of cigarettes everyday when I was 16-17 years old. At that time, my running records was too slow. I ran 100 & 200 metres for my school. I also run for 10km for my school if there's a competition. I recorded 11.00 seconds when I was 13 years old and and at 16years old I smoke lots of cigarettes, and its effected my running records to 14 seconds for 100metres! At that time I realized that smoking can cause negative effects to my body, but I still not to quit from smoking and that habits continues when I go to the university. Recently, I joined the running competition in my universitiy, its a 7km running competitions. My running record for that event was 30minutes! And for me, it was too slow and from that, I totally quit from smoking.

Now, I feel my body more fresh and healthy. My teeth also slowly becoming white again. Hehe. My running records slowly start to improve again. I jogs and running almost everyday. Running also help me to avoid the cigarette. Running is the the best way to prevent you from smoking. When you start for running, and if you run everyday, you can see that you will love your heart and body so much. You will think twicely if you want to smoke and slowly from that you will avoid the cigarette. So, let's stop smoking for excellent health condition and like I said before, running is the best way to prevent you from smoking! Yeah..let's run!!!


Pose Technique Run

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pose technique is an efficient way to run. This tech is more efficient to run faster, prevent injury and you'll save more energy and oxygen consumption. If you want to make your PR (personal record) you have dare to try this technique. I've tried this technique, and the result was I can run more faster and it also save my energy while I'm running. Here the video of pose technique, please watch the video for more info's or you can go the for better understanding.


Let’s Start Running

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Imagine, you do not have to sign up for a gym, nor do you need to purchase expensive equipment to enjoy running. Plus you get to enjoy the quiet joys of nature while breathing in cool crisp air while clearing your mind at the same time. Some testify that running is the best way to squeeze healthy exercise into a busy schedule. Running is not only practical, it is also the easiest, cheapest way to get healthy and in shape. Running, as a cardio exercise can benefit anyone – young or old.

For this post, I'm going to persuade you to discuss about the benefits of running, the desire to run and the preparation to start a running. Studies have shown the health benefits of running to be tremendous, . Running is among the best aerobic exercises for physical conditioning of your heart and lungs. It helps ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, things that are proven to help to decrease the risk of a heart attack. Running- like other types of exercise - is a great stress-reliever and may even relieve mild depression. Research shows that healthy adults who exercise regularly are generally happier than those who don't. As a runner, you'll likely feel more energetic and creative. Running helps you improve your fitness and stamina. As a weight-bearing exercise, running also increases bone density, which can fend off osteoporosis. Although running is a healthy activity, you should get medical clearance before you start a running program.

I think that the biggest reason people start to run because they want to loss or reduce their weight. Yup, running is an extremely the efficient way to burn calories and drop pounds. For a 150-pounds person, about 100 calories burned if run about 1 miles. Besides, running also help to build your muscle mass and your resting metabolism will increase which means when you are rest it also help to burn your calories. Furthermore, if you combine with a healthy diet, you'll definitely notice a difference in the way you look and feel.

For me, running also give you social benefits. I run because I like to socialize and be part of a running community. Running clubs and charity training groups give also give you the opportunity to meet and train with other runners. Some runners participate in local events or travel to race destinations with their running buddies.

Those consider running are often busy executives, busy house maker and student as you all also that want to get into a healthy habit in contrast to stressful daily humdrum. If you are one of these people, finding time to sneak in your running is probably one of the hardest things to do. One thing you really have to say to yourself is that, “There is always time for running in my schedule.” The first thing you have to remove from your mind is the desire to run when “I feel like it.” If you don’t start running even if you don’t feel like it, the “I like it” feeling is never going to come. Runners are usually addicted to running because of the increased levels of energy and satisfaction they receive from doing it. You won’t get a taste of that feeling when you are sitting comfortably at home. Although running involves moving out of your comfort zone and a few aches and pains, it is definitely worth it.

In conclusion, running is good way to keep your body healthy. You have to try it, maybe 3 times a week in 20minutes or you can try it slowly once a week. I guarantee that you will love it and addict with it. The importance is you have to try it, find the suitable time when you are in free-time, replace watching television at evening or morning with running activity.

Let's start running!!!


I am addicted to running

Saturday, March 6, 2010

When I start to run again after long time resting from this sports,and when I decided to become a good runner, until now after the running competition in my university last January,I feel there was a new spirit in my life. I'm addicted to run. Everyday I run, and if I miss to run although once a day, I feel that the day like a hell, like nothing. I can't study and do my assignment if I'm not running once a day. I feel my brain will frozen and getting clot if not running once a day. There are a lot of benefit of running. Running makes my body healthier, more fit, energize and stronger. It also makes my brain works better..haha. I enjoy running and I'm happy with this activity. And the most importance is I am scared to smoke again because I love my heart, I don't want to dirt and damage it again!!!. For everyone, lets start running as a healthy activity. Make it as a hobby, run at least 3 times a week in 20minutes. When you love to run, you'll never stop it. Let's running!


About This Blog

This blog is intent to promote running as good and healthy activity and lifestyle for all readers. If there is any mistaken or makes any discomfort to all peoples regarding to my writing, all apologized to the all the parties mainly if there are any infringement of your rights relating to my writing. For comments and ideas you can write it in this blog or email me at :

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